Exploration of Practice Teaching Team Building in the Applied Majors of Economics and Management 经管类应用型本科实践教学团队建设的探索
At the end of the day, I wound up starting in Math and Physics at Harvard, finishing an Applied Math and Economics and doing business. 最后,我跑去哈佛学了数学和物理,念完了应用数学和经济,跑去经商了。
Agecon search-designed to index and electronically disribute full text reports of scholarly research in the field of agricultural and applied economics. 搜索,把完整文本关于在农业和应用经济学的学术性研究的报告编入索引。
The group also visited the Carlson School of Management and the Department of Applied Economics to explore possible international collaboration opportunities. 同时,培训团访问了卡尔森管理学院和应用经济系,探讨了发展国际合作的可能性。
After that, I went to Harvard and studied applied maths and economics and became very interested in international development. 之后,我考上了哈佛大学(Harvard),攻读应用数学与经济学专业,并变得对国际发展产生了浓厚的兴趣。
European Scientific Association of Applied Economics 欧洲应用经济学科学协会
Accordingly, modelling behaviour using game theory is proving especially useful when applied to economics. 于是,这种博弈论的仿真行为能够有效应用于经济学。
He is alone-or one of very few-in leading three concurrent fields in the analysis of complex systems: pure physics, applied economics and econometrics, and market practitioners. 在对复杂体系的分析中,他独自或者是和极少数几个人一起引领着3个并行领域:纯物理学、应用经济学和计量经济学,以及市场从业人员。
From the perspective of economics and the principles of applied economics, this article elaborates the principles of characteristic construction in Vocational Colleges in three aspects i.e.the characteristics of literacy class teaching, the features of teaching modes and the feature of running school. 本文以经济学视角,应用经济学原理,从文化课教学特色、教学模式特色、办学特色三个方面,论述了高职院校的特色建设的原理。
Monetary Economics, Financial Economics, Applied Time Series Economics. 货币经济学,金融经济学,应用时间序列分析。
And the cause of some thermodynamics have even been applied to economics, systems out of equilibrium, like big companies like Enron, you know, completely out of equilibrium, crash and burn. 热力学中的一些观点,甚至被应用到经济学中,非平衡态系统,比如像安永那样大公司,彻底偏离平衡态,最后破产了。
Iamam; african and Mauritian Institute of statistics and applied economics; 非洲和毛里求斯统计学和应用经济学研究所;
Theoretical Economical first class subjects and Finance, Industry Economics, which are secondary subjects of Applied Economics, are the national key disciplines; 理论经济学一级学科及金融学、产业经济学2个应用经济学二级学科被评为全国重点学科;
Above all, providing subjective basis is a basic connotation of economic entropy, for function provides more solid micro-basis and new theoretical method for researching and exploring regional economics though it is a applied economics. 其中,提供区域经济发展的主观基础是经济熵的基本意义之一,这为研究区域经济这门应用经济学提供了更坚实的微观基础和新的理论方法;
On the basis of analysis to the current situation of Nanjing residential real estate industry, this paper applied economics, statistics and gray system theories to study authentically the development tendency of the residential commodity houses of Nanjing. 本文通过对南京市住宅房地产业发展现状的分析,运用经济学、统计学及灰色系统理论等方面的理论和方法,对南京市住宅商品房市场发展进行了实证研究。
Many course synthesize the application. Speak from the economics, it belong to the applied economics category; 从经济学讲,它属于应用经济学范畴;
Buchanan was an important representative of public selecting theory. He applied economics methods to the research on political process, expanded "economic human being" hypothesis to political sphere, and established "government failure theory". 布坎南是公共选择理论的重要代表,他应用经济学方法研究政治过程,把经济人假设拓展到政治领域,建立了政府失败理论。
Methods To perform the sociological investigation in Qiangjiang district of Chongqing and analysis by the methods of applied health economics and health statistics. 方法对重庆市黔江区进行社会学调查,应用卫生经济学和卫生统计学的原理进行相关分析。
Challenge Faced by Applied Economics and Its Innovation 应用经济学面临的挑战及其变革&以国际贸易学为例
Fractal science has applied in economics, chemical industry, computer science widely. 分形科学在经济、化工、计算机等各领域有着广泛的应用。
Technology economics is a rising applied economics founded by Chinese economist, which focuses on economic problems and law in the field of technology. 技术经济学是我国经济学人创立的研究技术领域中经济问题和经济规律的一门新兴应用经济学。
After many years 'development, it has grown up and become one of the most important applied economics. 经过上个世纪30年代以来的迅速发展,该学科已经日臻成熟成为最重要的应用经济学科之一。
On the basis of Stephen Breyer model, the article analyzes and explores the Liability insurance market by making use of the principles of Applied Economics, Science of management and Law. 本文的研究方法主要是定性分析法,并基于布雷耶尔模式,应用经济学、管理学、法学等学科原理,对我国的责任保险市场进行研究探讨。
The rate of return to education as a measure of the return to investment in education, has become an important practice of human capital theory in the field of applied economics. 教育回报率作为衡量教育投资的收益率指标,已成为人力资本理论在应用经济学领域的一项重要实践。
This dissertation is an applied economics dissertation of empirical study. 本文[1]是一篇理论分析性的应用经济学论文。
Applied economics not only provides the tools for trade analysis, but also is a way to extend our understanding of the world. 实证经济学不仅能提供分析贸易的工具,也有助于开阔国际视野。
Synthesis discipline and so on applied economics, management science, investment study, econometrics methods, conformity integration science and technology project combined earnings appraisal being suitable, feasible method, thus causes this research to be more comprehensive, to be full. 综合应用经济学、管理学、投资学、计量经济学等学科的方法,整合集成科技项目综合效益评价的适宜、可行的方法,从而使本研究更加全面、充分。
Modern researches on taxable capacity have become a branch of applied economics after more than 30 years, which came up in the 1970s, whose main content based on tax economics, used computer to build mathematic model. 现代税收收入能力研究从二十世纪七十年代起,经过三十多年已发展成为一个以税收经济学为基础,数学模型为基本研究内容,计算机为基本手段的应用学科新分支。
As a powerful tool for the analysis of tax policy, CGE ( Computable General Equilibrium) model has been applied in many countries, and gradually developed into a branch of applied economics. 作为税收政策分析的有力工具,税收可计算一般均衡(computablegeneralequilibrium,简称CGE)模型已在很多国家得到应用,并逐渐发展成为应用经济学的一个分支。
Banking and finance, labor and land economy, accounting, auditing and statistics, economic policy belongs to the scope of Applied Economics. 金融与财政,劳动与土地经济,会计、审计与统计,经济政策等则属于应用经济学范畴。